報道稱傳言現場有男子持槍。就在特朗普下台後幾分鐘,有一位禿頭的白人男子雙手被銬,被警察帶走。沒多久,特朗普又回到台上繼續他沒完成的演講,並感謝那些保護他的特勤人員,他說:「我要感謝特勤,那些傢伙真是太棒了。」還說,沒有人說這是容易的事,「我們絕對不會被擋下。」「Nobodysaid it would be easy for us,」 he said. 「But we will never bestopped. Never. Ever.」 他向保衛人員表達了謝意:「I would like to thank the United States Secret Service and thelaw enforcement resources in Reno and the state of Nevada for theirfast and professional response. I also want to thank the manythousands of people present for their unwavering and unbelievablesupport. Nothing will stop us — we will make America greatagain!」