
快來看!拿督安美嘉大大聲鳥巫統了!她痛斥巫統通過篡改及扭曲大馬建國歷史,分裂各族以達到保住政權的自私目的!她要求政府立即停止篡改大馬建國歷史,荼毒下一代思想,分裂各族之間的團結和諧精神!她說,為了保住巫統政權,不惜典當了國家的未來,這種卑劣的做法非常可恥! 拿督安美嘉是前任大馬律師公會主席,也是前任凈選盟主席;她痛斥巫統政府肆無忌憚篡改及扭曲大馬建國歷史,只為了荼毒新一代馬來人思想,用這種卑劣手法企圖永遠保住政權!拿督安美嘉說,國陣政府過去數十年來不斷通過教育部篡改馬來西亞建國歷史,故意抹殺華裔及印裔在爭取脫離殖民統治取得獨立方面的功勞,將馬來西亞獨立史扭曲為全是馬來人的付出;接著明目張膽的把非土著統統形容為《外來者》Pendatang;灌輸下一代錯誤的歷史訊息,誤以為只有馬來人才是這片土地的主人,非馬來人全是外來的掠奪者。她說,巫統企圖通過這種分裂族群、扭曲歷史真相的手法製造族群對立;塑造巫統才是馬來人特權的唯一捍衛者的錯誤印象,誘使無知的年青一代盲目支持巫統,確保巫統政權永遠穩固。 在巫統自私自利毫無遠見的偏私之下,許多非巫裔建國英雄的偉大歷史事跡都被巫統扭曲或否定了,比如吉隆坡開埠功臣葉亞來就被硬生生的換成了文西阿都拉;馬六甲王朝的大功臣漢都亞由於後來被查證實為來自中國的武士而被馬來文學家故意刪除或忽略;在現今的小學課本基本上已經完全消失。安美嘉說,巫統的偏差教育政策,就是讓孩子從小接受被篡改的歷史教育,到離開學校還有什麼政府幹訓班,提供的同樣是分裂族群團結精神的洗腦教育;導致新一代不了解真實歷史的馬來人習慣性對非土著擁有自然的厭惡感。更糟糕的是巫統的偏差教育不斷灌輸土著特權概念,長期培養下一代將自己視為世界上最優秀的一等特權民族,將其他族群貶為次等公民,甚至三等公民。 這種偏差的教育政策從上個世紀70年代的新經濟政策開始,已經實行了數十年,許多馬來年輕人已經形成了根深蒂固的狹隘觀念;認為自己的族群才是全世界唯一天生優秀的民族,卻完全不懂得檢討自己民族已經墮落失敗的深淵,爛泥已經扶不上壁。安美嘉痛心疾首的說,巫統長期荼毒青少年的思想,造成新一代大馬各族人民之間彼此猜忌懷疑,獨立初期的團結互助精神早已蕩然無存。安美嘉說,馬來西亞獨立建國的聯邦憲法精神早已經被巫統踐踏得面目全非;原本前景一片光明的馬來西亞,在巫統長期倒行逆施之下,已經落後衰敗至慘不忍睹;人民還要繼續任由巫統為所欲為下去嗎?Stop rewriting history to justify racist policies, Ambiga tells Putrajaya. Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan accused Putrajaya last night of rewriting history purportedly to justify its race-based policies and to strengthen its hold on power by driving wedges between the country’s different racial communities.The renowned lawyer and activist told a forum last night that tachieve this end, Putrajaya has been drilling falsehoods into the minds of school kids through history textbooks.「They (government) are trying to discount our true cultural and historical background because by doing that, they are trying to make parts of our rewritten history relevant for their own good,」 she said when met after a forum titled 「Stemming The Tide of Racism in Our Nations」 here yesterday. In her speech at the forum, Ambiga accused Putrajaya of indulging in an effort to maintain power, and justifying its Malay-supremacy policies.She described the education system as one where 「the Malays are told and are made to understand that they are better and that others are 『pendatangs』 (a derogatory Malay word for immigrant)」.「Then we have national service thereafter. So much damage has already been done and I don』t think it can be fixed,」 she added. 「They (Putrajaya) may set up the National Union of Consultative Council (NUCC) and all, but there is a concerted effort to keep the races apart and this is what we are up against — the system.」 文章未完,點擊這裡閱讀全文!


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