阿末扎希是星期三對著巫統代表大會群眾發表上述極度冷凍肉麻的言論,縱然小編不在現場,單看文字已經雞皮疙瘩掉滿地了。看來阿末扎希大概是從巫統的小丑部長阿末瑪斯蘭、伊斯邁沙比利、打豬釘、冬菇安南身上學到不少捧大腳的技術;現在表演出來,果然青出於藍勝於藍!就算是曾經說過《沒有羅斯瑪就沒有今天的馬來西亞》的沙希淡卡欣也不得不甘拜下風;對阿末扎希的捧大腳功夫,敬佩之心猶如滔滔巴生河水,綿綿不絕矣。 阿末扎希既然這樣說了,他當然必須得當表率;於是他當眾宣誓對納吉《101%效忠》!他說,他對納吉的忠誠,簡直感天動地,絕無半點虛假;只差沒說就算納吉叫他去死他也毫不猶疑的從巫統大廈頂樓跳下來那麼慷慨激昂罷了。
因此阿末扎希要求巫統全黨上下必須對黨主席納吉表達絕對的忠誠,更說這忠誠不只是口頭上的忠誠,還必須做到行動上的忠誠,堅決捍衛及保護真主阿拉挑選給巫統的領導人;不得有二心。當年阿末扎希對安華最忠誠的時候,是否也曾說過安華是真主阿拉親自挑選的。。。呢??? 唉唉唉,太肉麻了,寫不下去了。。。
『Najib was chosen by Allah, so pledge your loyalty to him』KUALA LUMPUR: Umno president Najib Razak was chosen by Allah to lead the party and, hence, the party members should pledge their loyalty to him, said Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.The Umno acting deputy president, setting an example in the presence of the party delegates at its general assembly this evening, pledged his undivided loyalty to Najib. 「Allah has put Datuk Seri Najib as our president. Allah wanted it that way,」 he said at the Putra World Trade Centre here.「So I call upon all members to pledge your loyalty, not just through your voices but also through your actions, as taught by our religion.「To ensure Umno stays strong forever, all members should be loyal, regardless of the criticisms or rumours made against the party president. 「My loyalty to him will not cease.」Zahid, who is also the deputy prime minister, then urged Umno cybertroopers to play their part and fight against the opposition’s attempts to attack Najib and the party online.「We can』t see them but we can feel the presence of these opposition groups in cyberspace.「Our cybertroopers need to form strategies and go against the enemies, not one another. And we have to bring the people, especially the Gen-Y and Gen-Z, closer to us.」 He added that technological advancements have made it harder for Umno to identify both their internal and external enemies.「We are not only facing the traditional political parties but also groups that are against us in secret, hiding their true colours.「Without us realising it, the enemy among us operates through the cyber platform and gadgets.」
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