文:張丹楓還有不到80個小時,淨選盟5.0即將開始和平集會遊行之際,聯合國國際人權組織發出公開信函,呼籲大馬政府尊重人民和平集會的權利及表達心聲的自由人權,放行本週六的淨選盟和平集會。 位於瑞士日內瓦的聯合國國際人權組織今日發表文告,要求大馬政府保證人民可以順暢行使他們應有的人權,進行和平遊行抗爭發表不滿的心聲。由於馬來西亞是國際人權組織成員國之一,也在人權宣言上簽字,因此大馬有義務遵守人權宣言的精神和規範。 另外,國際人權組織也呼籲納吉政府調查那些以暴力阻礙人民集會權力的狂暴份子,對於紅衣山番流氓連日來針對淨選盟成員的暴力騷擾行為給予譴責。同時關注淨選盟2.0主席瑪利亞陳和家人近日接連接到恐嚇電話、汽車財物遭受不良分子破壞的事,國際人權組織希望納吉政府採取行動對付任何破壞人權威脅人民安全的不良分子,阻止紅衣山番流氓畜生的野蠻行為。淨選盟5.0和平示威遊行活動將於本週六在吉隆坡獨立廣場舉行,而巫統馬華支持的紅衣山番流氓畜生也揚言將在同一時間同一地點舉行集會與淨選盟對著幹。 UN body tells Putrajaya to let Bersih beProtect rights of your people to gather peacefully and express their opinion, and investigate all threats and acts of intimidation, says UN Human Rights Commissioner.
PETALING JAYA: A United Nations (UN) body has urged the Malaysian government to abide by international human rights obligations and to allow the Bersih 5 rally to proceed.The office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, based in Geneva, Switzerland released a statement yesterday, calling for Putrajaya to open investigations into the harrassment and intimidation by certain groups against Bersih 5 organisers and partipants.
「We are concerned by reports that organisers of an anti-government protest in Malaysia have been subjected to threats and harassment, and we call on all sides to stay calm and exercise restraint ahead of this weekend’s planned rally in Kuala Lumpur,」 UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Ravina Shamdasani said. The call to open investigations is understood to be referring to the acts of harrassment and intimidation by the Red Shirts movement, led by Jamal Yunos, since the Bersih 5 roadshow started nationwide early last month.The UN body also listed the threats made to the lives of Bersih 2.0 chairperson Maria Chin Abdullah and her family, as well as other past and present Bersih activists; the vandalising and burning of cars belonging to Bersih activists; and other confrontations, as acts that need urgent police probe. Bersih 5, organised by Bersih 2.0, is scheduled to take place this Saturday, with participants congregating at different parts of the city before walking to Dataran Merdeka.The Red Shirts have also organised a counter rally on the same day and said they will gather at Dataran Merdeka as well.
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