震驚!西方媒體賭爛特朗普中選美國總統,竟然公開號召《刺殺特朗普》!整個網絡瞬間炸開了鍋!拜託西方別再醜態畢露了!文:張丹楓英國媒體人莫妮莎拉澤絲Monisha Rajesh由於不爽特朗普中選美國總統,竟然在推特上公開留言《是時候刺殺美國總統了》!(It’s about time for a presidential assassination!)
莫妮莎是英國著名小報《The Guardian》專欄作者;她同時也為英國不少小報寫專欄,她也是紐約時報New Yoke Times專欄作者。無論如何,莫妮莎的《刺殺特朗普》言論很快就引起了網絡一片撻伐聲浪。
面對網絡排山倒海的撻伐,莫妮莎選擇第一時間刪除了留言,但是許多網民早已經將這充滿恐嚇的留言給截圖了;還向英國各大平面媒體舉報了她。The Guardian第一時間宣布終止了她的專欄合約,宣稱發表這種極端恐嚇言論是《不可原諒》。由於莫妮莎不是The Guardian的全職員工,無權干涉她的個人言論自由,她在外的一切都不代表報館,唯一能做的就是終止她的稿約。
就在美國總統大選投票前夕,另一位來自美國洛杉磯時報Los Angeles Times的專欄作者史提芬波羅維克Steven Borowiec也在專欄發表《希望看到特朗普馬上死掉》的文章,同樣掀起軒然大波,遭到支持特朗普的草根民眾猛烈抨擊,而洛杉磯時報也在第一時間解除他的專欄合約;同時聲明洛杉磯時報秉持中立的立場,史提芬的所作所為是不可原諒的。
A writer for the Guardian newspaper called for a 「presidential assassination」 in America over Twitter – then quickly deleted her account."It"s about time for a presidential assassination," Monisha Rajesh tweeted to fellow journalist Mark C. O』Flaherty.O"Flaherty responded "haaaa – that"s all we』ve talked about for the last hour." Rajesh is a freelance features writer who contributes to the Guardian and has written for a number of other major UK newspapers as well as the New York Times. O"Flaherty is a contributor to the Financial Times, the Sunday Times and other publications. The Daily Caller reports that the Guardian gave them a statement explaining that Rajesh was an infrequent freelance contributor, not a staff writer, "and the Guardian cannot take responsibility for comments expressed by her in a personal capacity." A few days before the election, the Los Angeles times fired freelance journalist Steven Borowiec for tweeting that he wished then-presidential candidate Donald Trump would die, saying in a statement that they found the comment "inexcusable." 文章未完,點擊這裡閱讀全文!
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