David Corenswet"s Superman Costume Vs Henry Cavill"s: Which Is Better?

  • Corenswet's Superman suit features a high collar and bold cape, setting it apart from Cavill's more traditional design.
  • While Cavill's suit fits snugly with an alien-like texture, Corenswet's appears looser with a more homemade feel.
  • Corenswet's colorful and comic-accurate suit, complete with trunks, outshines Cavill's darker and less vibrant version.
Set photos from Superman have revealed more about David Corenswet's costume, causing many to debate whether it outshines that of the most recent iteration of the Man of Steel: Henry Cavill. David Corenswet's addition as the lead of Superman's cast of characters caused controversy initially, primarily due to the love of Henry Cavill in the role between 2013 and 2023. That said, many who belong to the side of the DC fandom that is not obsessed with the Snyderverse have come to accept Corenswet as the new face of Krypton, which will officially begin with Superman's 2025 DCU story.
Even with many coming to terms with the fact that Cavill's reign as Superman needed to end, it is only human nature to draw comparisons between two versions of the same character. This has happened throughout superhero movie cinema, meaning the comparisons between Cavill and Corenswet as the two most recent live-action Superman actors were to be expected. One specific, recent source of discourse has come in the form of the actors' costumes as set photos offered more concrete looks at Corenswet’s suit, leading many to wonder if it is better than Cavill’s from the now-ended DCEU movie timeline.


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