X-Men: 9 Superpowers Beast Never Used In 6 Movie Appearances

  • Beast boasts more abilities beyond what was shown in previous X-Men films, including a regenerative healing factor and contaminant resistance.
  • Marvel's Beast can heal injuries rapidly, detect electronic signals, and even manipulate pheromones - enhancing his superhuman prowess.
  • Beast has a complex set of powers in the comics that could bring new depth to his character in the upcoming MCU X-Men movie.
The Beast has appeared in numerous X-Men movies that demonstrated his agility and intellect, but he has some further abilities that were never depicted. Beast appeared in five of Fox's X-Men movies and the MCU's The Marvels - plus a very brief cameo in Deadpool 2. Throughout these, Beast (AKA Henry 'Hank' McCoy) was played by Nicholas Hoult and Kelsey Grammer, exhibiting a very limited rendition of Beast's superpowers, which can hopefully be utilized in the MCU's X-Men movie.
Marvel's Beast was one of the original comic X-Men in 1963, where his mutant ability gave him superhuman strength, agility, durability, and prehensile feet. As seen in X-Men: First Class, Beast later gains his famed blue fur and ape-like appearance through a secondary mutation triggered when one of his experiments goes awry (see Amazing Adventures #11-14). Over the years, McCoy's appearance has fluctuated notably, but some abilities he gained through his mutations have been long-standing aspects of his character in Marvel Comics.
Beast's Movie Appearances
Year Of Release
X-Men: The Last Stand
X-Men: First Class
X-Men: Days of Future Past
X-Men: Apocalypse
Dark Phoenix
The Marvels
Related When Kelsey Grammer's Beast Will Return In The MCU The iconic X-Men member Beast made a surprise appearance in The Marvels post-credits scene and could return once more to the MCU very soon.
9 Beast Has A Regenerative Healing Factor See Amazing Adventures #11 Close When Hank McCoy undergoes his initial secondary mutation in Amazing Adventures #11 and gains his iconic blue appearance, it also enhances his physical abilities. Beast gains an accelerated healing factor, allowing him to recover from injury and illness very quickly. When he first gains it in Amazing Adventures, he is able to heal bullet wounds in seconds. However, later the Beast is depicted as less instantaneous, yet still much faster than an average human.
The Beast could heal broken bones in a matter of days and repair minor wounds in mere hours. Subsequently, Beast has regained an even more rapid healing factor, more comparable to Amazing Adventures. The complexity of his accelerated healing has likely been omitted from the X-Men movies to avoid redundancy with other characters like Wolverine, whose regenerative abilities are a significant plot point. By emphasizing different traits, the movies aimed to maintain a balanced representation of the diverse powers within the X-Men team.
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8 Beast Has Contaminant Resistance See X-Men: Hidden Years #7 Close The Beast's resistance to contaminants and toxins is a significant evolution of his enhanced healing factor. This trait makes it extremely difficult for him to fall ill or be poisoned. A notable instance of this ability in action is depicted during his fight with Kraven the Hunter in X-Men: The Hidden Years #17.
In Marvel Comics, Kraven the Hunter often uses toxins and poisons to subdue his foes. However, while hunting the Beast, Kraven finds himself struggling to overcome McCoy's contaminant resistance and unable to slow the Beast's movement. This specific power, however, was not depicted in the X-Men movies.
The Beast’s resistance to toxins was likely omitted from the X-Men movies because it wasn’t pertinent to any of the narratives. Including this trait might have been seen as distracting or non-essential to the main plot. Nevertheless, it could make a thrilling update for the MCU’s X-Men, exploring the hero's intricacies in more detail.
7 Beast Has Telepathic Resistance See New X-Men (Vol. 1) #117 Close In Marvel Comics, the Beast demonstrates a notable resistance to telepathic attacks. While the Beast does not boast any telepathic powers of his own, he has been able to fend off psychic intrusion. This ability was particularly notable during his encounter with Cassandra Nova in New X-Men #117. Despite her formidable psychic powers, the Beast resists Cassandra Nova’s telepathic assault. Frustrated by her inability to subdue him directly, Cassandra Nova resorts to manipulating another mutant to overcome the Beast.
This resistance to telepathy adds another layer to the Beast's complex character, highlighting his resilience not just physically, but mentally as well. The cinematic X-Men adaptations tended to focus on more visually demonstrable powers, omitting any overlapping powers to maintain more defined characterizations. Without a telepathic villain assaulting the X-Men team after First Class, Beast’s subsequent psychic resistance was superfluous, though it could be explored in the MCU’s X-Men.
6 Beast Has Slowed Aging See Amazing Adventures #11 Close The Beast's secondary mutation in Amazing Adventures #11 also bestowed him extended longevity. This evolution of his healing factor means he ages at a much slower rate than a typical human, retaining his vitality and youthful appearance far longer. This longevity is particularly noticeable on the rare occasions when the Beast loses his furry exterior. In these instances, Hank McCoy is revealed to be a surprisingly young man underneath.
This aspect of the Beast's abilities would have been an unnecessary addition to the X-Men movies. However, the Marvel Cinematic Universe could delve into the Beast's longevity, adding complexity to his character and exploring the implications of his extended lifespan. This could provide a unique angle into his experience and contributions over a prolonged period, particularly as Kelsey Grammer's Hank McCoy is presumably an adult rendition of the character similar to his counterpart in Fox's X-Men franchise.
5 Beast Can Identify and Track Someone By Scent See Astonishing X-Men #6 Close The Beast's senses were significantly amplified by a further mutation in New X-Men which gave Beast his cat-like appearance - similar to Beast's design in X-Men: First Class. This gave the character a sense of smell that could identify and track individuals with remarkable precision, even across great distances. This heightened olfactory ability is vividly demonstrated in Astonishing X-Men #6, where Beast identifies the genuine Colossus by his scent, confirming his unexpected return.
These heightened senses complemented his newfound feline appearance, complete with paws and claws. However, Beast's acute sense of smell is also a tactical advantage, making him a more effective member of the X-Men. Incorporating Beast's enhanced sense of smell into the X-Men movies might have interfered with Wolverine’s famed sense of smell. Additionally, Nicholas Hoult’s Henry McCoy often tried to deny his bestial form and could have been suppressing or ignoring his animalistic sense of smell throughout the prequels.
4 Beast Can Detect Electronic Signals See X-Men (Vol. 1) #38 Close Beast possesses an extraordinary sensitivity in his hands and feet, allowing him to detect minute vibrations in electrical technology. This capability enables him to sense the faint electrical currents in devices through floors and walls. Beast has used this to sense ticking bombs and listening devices through touch alone.
A prime example of this appears in X-Men (Vol. 1) #38. During the issue, Beast's acute sense of touch alerts him to a bomb beneath his feet. McCoy would discuss this with Iceman and how it helped him to save his fellow X-Men from danger.
This fascinating ability has not been depicted in the X-Men movies, but it could add a compelling dimension to Beast's character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Incorporating this power into Beast’s cinematic skill set could provide thrilling plot twists and an evolution of Beast's famously adept feet. With Beast’s character firmly established by other franchises, these more specific uses of his power can be explored with minimal further exposition.
Related 9 Powers Quicksilver Still Hasn't Used After 6 X-Men & MCU Movie Appearances Quicksilver may have appeared in both the MCU and the X-Men franchises, but some of his comic book powers still haven’t appeared in live-action.
3 Beast Has Cat-Like Night-Vision See Official Handbook Of The Marvel Universe A-Z #1 Close Also established in Marvel Comics lore is that Beast has cat-like night vision. This enhanced vision allows him to see clearly in near-total darkness, giving him a significant advantage during nighttime operations and in low-light environments. Beast developed this power after transforming into his more feline form.
Beast's night vision is akin to that of a cat's, allowing him to perceive minute details and movements that would be invisible to the average human. This ability is particularly useful in stealth missions and surprise attacks. It enables Beast to navigate and strategize effectively without relying on artificial light sources.
Introducing Beast's night vision in the Marvel Cinematic Universe would help flesh out the movie rendition more akin to his comic book counterpart. It could also enhance his tactical versatility while exploring the character’s terrifying potential as he dispatches enemies in darkness. This would provide new, visually striking action sequences and deepen the portrayal of Beast's animalistic traits, adding a new inflection to his character for the MCU.
2 Beast Can Detect Changes In The Timeline See Uncanny Inhumans #2 Close In Marvel Comics, Beast has developed the startling ability to detect changes in the timeline. Through a combination of advanced technological innovations and mystical methods learned from Doctor Strange, Beast has mastered some minor time travel. These experiments attuned him to the timestream, making him acutely aware of alterations in history.
In Uncanny Inhumans #2, Beast explains his newfound sensitivity to temporal changes, a result of his extensive experimentation and exposure to time travel's complexities. Despite its prominence in the comics, time travel has only appeared in one X-Men movie – Days of Future Past. While Beast’s temporal awareness could have featured, it would have required significant narrative changes regarding the central characters.
However, Beast's temporal awareness would be an intriguing addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe's X-Men. This power could allow for intricate plotlines involving time manipulation and incursions in Marvel’s X-Men universe. It could also set the stage for timeline and multiversal adventures, helping incorporate the X-Men into the wider MCU.
1 Beast Can Manipulate Pheromones See Mephisto Vs. #2 Close In Marvel Comics, Beast possesses the unique ability to create pheromones that attract potential lovers. This intriguing trait is often used to explain Beast's success with women, despite his fearsome exterior. McCoy once discussed these pheromones with Mephisto in Mephisto vs. #2, in which the Marvel villain tempted Beast with a more typically handsome exterior.
This aspect of Beast was absent from the X-Men movies, where the focus remained on the theme that true beauty lies beneath outward appearances. This was particularly pertinent to Beast and Mystique in First Class but remained a theme throughout. Including Beast's pheromone ability would have undermined this message.
Including Beast's pheromones would have suggested that his attractiveness was chemically induced rather than rooted in his personality and intellect. The omission aligns with the franchise's broader narrative, emphasizing that genuine connection and acceptance are based on inner qualities, not superficial traits. Therefore, ignoring this specific aspect of Beast's powers was vital in reinforcing the core values of the X-Men franchise; that people should not be judged unfairly.
Marvel's X-Men Marvel's X-Men is the tentative title for the future debut of the legendary Marvel mutant superhero team in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 
X-Men The X-Men franchise, created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, centers on mutants with extraordinary abilities. Led by the powerful telepath Professor Charles Xavier, they battle discrimination and villainous mutants threatening humanity. The series explores themes of diversity and acceptance through a blend of action, drama, and complex characters, spanning comics, animated series, and blockbuster films.


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