Across the Spider-Verse Proves There’s 1 Casting Marvel Won’t Even Attempt To Beat

Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse!J.K. Simmons' cameo in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse proves Sony and Marvel cannot even consider recasting J. Jonah Jameson in the multiverse. The latest chapter of Miles Morales' Spider-Verse story includes glimpses at various different universes, allowing Sony to feature major Spider-Man cameos in different forms. These range from using Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield's Spider-Men with footage from their respective movies to Mrs. Chen from the Venom movies and a Donald Glover Prowler cameo in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.
The ability to bring back characters from other Spider-Man franchises also meant audiences heard a familiar voice at different points. This is because J.K. Simmons reprises his role as J. Jonah Jameson in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. His iconic voice as The Daily Bugle editor is first heard in LEGO form, but the movie later also makes Simmons the voice of the character in Peter B. Parker's Earth-616. It is one of the best Easter eggs in the multiverse-traveling story, but J.K. Simmons' cameo also further proves just how iconic his J. Jonah Jameson portrayal has become over the last two decades.
J.K. Simmons Is The Only Spider-Man Character Sony & MCU Have Not Recast Sony's decision to use J.K. Simmons as Jameson's voice as a Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Easter egg means he retains his status as the lone major Spider-Man character neither Sony nor Marvel Studios have recast. After originally playing the role in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy from 2000-2007, Simmons watched as Sony and Marvel got comfortable recasting many characters for live-action and animated movies. This includes multiple new versions of Peter Parker and new takes on Mary Jane, Gwen Stacy, Aunt May, Uncle Ben, Norman Osborn, Harry Osborn, Eddie Brock, Flash Thompson, Betty Brandt, Prowler, and more.
J. Jonah Jameson has otherwise been viewed as a role that belongs to J.K. Simmons and him alone. The MCU opted against recasting Jameson for Spider-Man: Far From Home and instead brought Simmons back to play an Alex Jones-style version of the character at He then returned in Spider-Man: No Way Home for a bigger role. The animation format means it could have been easy for Sony to recast Jameson and give another actor a chance to play the role, but J.K. Simmons' Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse cameo proves the true magnitude of his casting.
J.K. Simmons’ J. Jonah Jameson Has Become Too Iconic To Recast The reason that Sony and Marvel have not used the multiverse to their advantage to recast Jameson is that J.K. Simmons' portrayal is simply too iconic to recast at this point. He has the right type of intensity to make J. Jonah Jameson's overzealous nature and Spider-Man-obsessed personality to life while also bringing some humor and heart to the role when necessary. His iconic status is likely why The Amazing Spider-Man movies and Spider-Man: Homecoming decided to leave him out instead of trying to find a better casting decision. Once the MCU brought him back, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse's J.K. Simmons cameo became all the more likely.


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