
天呀!快看看腦殘的部長又來發表令人腦洞大開的言論了!原來只要給長途巴士公司賺到錢就保證不會發生致命車禍了?尼瑪....《防止長途巴士繼續發生慘劇的最佳方法,就是提高長途巴士車費,提高司機薪水,只要他們收入高了,就不會犯錯了!》這樣腦殘的話,竟然出自一個曾經擔任過內政部長的巫統領袖賽哈密的口,誰聽了都忍不住譁然!難道在巫統那些眼中只有錢錢錢的所謂領袖的思想中,前兩天發生在南北大道的長途巴士奪走14條人命的慘劇,最主要的肇禍原因都在錢了嗎?只要有錢,一切都迎刃而解了嗎?就像只要有錢,所有官聯公司都不會虧本,保證賺錢了是嗎? 賽哈密在擔任內政部長期間,也曾經以《逮捕她是為了保護她》為理由,援引內安法令逮捕過星洲日報大山腳女記者。像這樣毫無正常思考邏輯的人,現在居然還當起了陸路交通委員會主席,怎麼可能不死得人多?他說,目前國內的長途巴士車票價格確實偏低,造成巴士公司老闆在聘請司機時無法付出高薪。他說政府正在研究允許長途巴士車票大起價。《只要政府允許提高車資,巴士公司賺到錢就有能力付高薪給司機,司機就不必像現在這樣為了賺取每一趟車程的額外佣金而拚命踩油飛車,乘客的安全就能獲得保障了。》嘩佬!這實在是神邏輯啊!原來巴士的維修不重要,安全性能也不重要,有沒有綁安全帶更加不重要,最重要還是司機的態度?只要司機賺夠錢,大家就安全了?司機賺不夠錢,大家就只好陪葬?是這個意思嗎? 問題是~~~先說明不是種族歧視:馬來人經營的公司,有哪一間是能賺大錢的?看看糖王郭鶴年5年前被巫統吃掉了糖廠之前,政府不允許白糖漲價,郭鶴年的白糖當年一公斤才賣RM1.25照樣賺大錢;可是強迫轉手賣給賽莫達之後,看看過去5年白糖價格連續調帳了多少次?現在一公斤都快漲破RM3.00了!《馬來精英企業家》卻還訴苦說賺不夠,做到很辛苦。兩個民族的企業家做一個比較,馬上就知道是什麼回事了!大馬長途巴士經營者當中,目前還有少部分華資在經營;比如怡保的利南Sri Maju長途快車服務公司就是楊紫瓊的父親創立、死後交給兒子管理的;看看人家的車資也沒調帳,照樣年年賺大錢,司機的薪水也沒聽說給得不夠,人家的服務素質多專業!為什麼同樣是經營長途巴士公司,同樣的條件、同樣的工資;同樣的開銷成本,人家華裔的可以賺大錢,馬來人的卻沒辦法賺錢?問題出在哪裡?如果真如賽哈密所說的,問題全是出在錢錢錢,其他什麼服務素質、車輛維修保養、司機專業水平統統不重要的話,那就繼續把頭埋在沙子裡吧。 奉勸那些經常乘搭長途巴士的朋友,今後要特別小心,巴士開動之前最好確認一下,巴士公司有沒有聘請副駕駛隨車同行;沒有副駕駛的巴士最好還是別上了;畢竟生命寶貴啊,生命沒有Take Two!一個失誤就拜拜咯。。。Fewer bus accidents if fares and salaries were higher: SPAD SELAYANG: Bus drivers having to chase commissions is one reason why there have been many accidents, and this could be minimised with flexible fares, according to Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar .Speaking in the aftermath of the Johor bus crash on Christmas Eve that killed 14 people, including the driver and his daughter, the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) chairman said that frequently, bus accidents are caused by a chain of events. Currently, bus drivers get a commission based on the number of trips they make.「Their basic pay is low and often not satisfactory. Their commission depends on the (number of) trips they make, so that forces (drivers) to chase trips.「Therefore we need to allow and encourage bus operators to pay higher salaries,」 he said, however adding that not all operators paid low salaries.Syed Hamid also noted that express bus operators are not government-owned. 「It’s the private sector. If we control their fees and make them increase salaries, I think they will close shop. They can』t afford that.「Which is why I think we should allow more flexible fares.「When taxis and others increase their fares, they (express buses) are not allowed to increase theirs,」 he said Tuesday after distributing aid to the Rohingya community here.Express bus fares were last reviewed in 2009, while taxi fares saw an increase in 2015. Syed Hamid added that increasing fares was merely one part of the solution, as there were other factors that also needed to be addressed.「We are also short of drivers and if one company fires a driver for bad behaviour, that driver can always go to another operator – and that is a problem,」 he said.Syed Hamid urged other bodies like the Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu) and the Road Transport Department (JPJ) to work with SPAD and the Transport Ministry to investigate the Johor bus crash, and to help resolve safety issues. 「Personally, I would like for buses to have seatbelts and if possible in future, they should be installed with speed limiters to prevent speeding,」 he said.


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