「奴!快開門讓朕進去!」 動物呆萌吃閉門羹特輯│妞新聞

by 阿欣雖然台灣普遍的房子都不像歐美、日本地區,自家外面就有小庭院可以讓毛孩子跑來跑去。不過我們的確也有不小心把寵物關在門外的時候,像妞編輯家的阿柴,不讓牠進來牠就會瘋狂使出「抓抓功」,不斷抓門以示抗議!因此,妞編輯今天整理了一系列動物吃閉門羹的蠢萌照,讓你看了一整天心情都會很好喔! Photo Source: the 20 most funniest animals desperately want to come inside the door lol-bajiroo貓咪表示:「求我啊~笨蛋。」 Photo Source: the 20 most funniest animals desperately want to come inside the door lol-bajiroo「你不開門沒關係!朕自己想辦法進來!」 Photo Source: the 20 most funniest animals desperately want to come inside the door lol-bajiroo「拜託拜託!讓我進去嘛~~」 Photo Source: animals asking to go inside-boredpanda「不讓我進去就拆了你家大門!」 Photo Source: animals asking to go inside-boredpanda「什麼時候關起來的?人家玩得正盡興欸!」  Photo Source: animals asking to go inside-boredpanda臂力好強!感覺可以吊超久。 Photo Source: animals asking to go inside-boredpanda「開門啦!沒看到外面下雪了膩!?」 Photo Source: animals asking to go inside-boredpanda主人表示:「我不需要你的報恩!把牠丟掉你才可以進來!」 Photo Source: animals asking to go inside-boredpanda「小花在嗎?我是隔壁的小白~」 Photo Source: the 20 most funniest animals desperately want to come inside the door lol-bajiroo會敲門的貓超有禮貌!快端茶水出來迎接! Photo Source: animals asking to go inside-boredpanda這是布萊梅的樂隊嗎? Photo Source: animals asking to go inside-boredpanda「凹嗚~~~讓、我、進、去!」 Photo Source: animals asking to go inside-boredpanda《星際異攻隊》的浣熊是你?而且還站著是怎樣XD  Photo Source: animals asking to go inside-boredpanda「快把我弄進去,後面那個有翅膀的傢伙看起來很可怕!」 Photo Source: animals asking to go inside-boredpanda「你忍心讓我們在門外吹風嗎?」 Photo Source: animals asking to go inside-boredpanda貓咪表示:「還好我在室內…這兩個傢伙看起來好高大!」 Photo Source: animals asking to go inside-boredpanda這隻戲很多欸!下一秒是要落淚了嗎? Photo Source: animals asking to go inside-boredpanda破門而入就是這個景象… Photo Source: animals asking to go inside-boredpanda「我不認識牠!快讓我進去啦!」 Photo Source: the 20 most funniest animals desperately want to come inside the door lol-bajiroo哀怨的眼神也太可愛!墊子上還寫「堤防Joey」妞編輯猜你就是那個Joey對吧…? Photo Source: animals asking to go inside-boredpanda「可以進去了嗎?我餓…………」 Photo Source: animals asking to-go inside-boredpanda這系列真的好可愛啦!每隻毛孩的戲都很多耶!不過看牠們這麼可愛的樣子,要是妞編輯一定會好好欣賞一番再給他們開門,你們也是嗎? 【延伸閱讀】請愛護你的毛髮!因為當動物禿了就變這樣...幹嘛一直學我啦!野生動物第一次照鏡子的大爆笑反應一失足成千古糗!動物們的冰上摔跤特輯 Source: the 20 most funniest animals desperately want to come inside the door lol-bajiroo , animals asking to-go inside-boredpanda 【本文出處;更多精彩內容請上《妞新聞》;《愛玩妞》粉絲團;未經授權,請勿轉載!】


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