
今日最新!舉世震驚!俄羅斯駐土耳其大使被土耳其便衣警探開槍射殺!普京震怒發誓復仇,必要伊斯蘭國IS灰飛煙滅!俄羅斯駐土耳其大使安德雷卡爾洛夫Andrey Kallov是在星期一晚上出席土耳其首都安卡拉一項畫展,受邀致辭時遭一名土耳其便衣警察從背後開槍射殺,當場喪命! 根據報道,兇手是22歲的阿爾丁達斯,他在行兇後高喊《勿忘阿勒博!》Do not forget Aleppo!隨後他被土耳其警方擊斃。土耳其警方證實兇手與敘利亞阿勒博反政府恐怖組織阿卡伊達有緊密聯繫;阿卡伊達Al- Qaeda是美國與西方盟國大力支持的中東恐怖組織,受美國主使,與伊斯蘭國IS聯手在敘利亞發動戰爭,協助美國推翻民選總統阿薩德。但在過去5年一直受到俄羅斯及中國支持的敘利亞政府軍頑強對抗,始終無法協助美國完成邪惡使命。就在不久前,敘利亞政府軍在俄羅斯提供軍火及大批俄軍參戰;還有中國軍方提供專業游擊戰術指導之下,成功將西方支持的反政府軍擊潰,收復阿勒博! 美國花了無數金錢與心血培訓出來的恐怖組織阿卡伊達及伊斯蘭國,在中俄聯手支持的敘利亞政府軍猛攻之下潰不成軍,狼狽逃竄;不僅令美國及西方國家顏面盡失,也重挫中東恐怖分子銳氣。昨夜刺殺俄羅斯駐土耳其大使的事件,經過土耳其警方查證,已經證明就是伊斯蘭國與阿卡伊達這兩個失敗的恐怖組織謀劃。俄羅斯總統普京第一時間發表措辭強烈聲明,發誓要伊斯蘭恐怖組織連根拔起,趕盡殺絕!血債血償!他同時宣布這項刺殺行動不會破壞土耳其與俄羅斯的合作反恐關係;他將會更堅定的執行與土耳其、伊朗之間的協議,全力協助敘利亞阿薩德總統將所有恐怖組織趕走。 土耳其總統艾爾多安也在第一時間發表談話,指責伊斯蘭國與阿卡伊達的刺殺行動是意圖破壞土耳其與俄羅斯之間的關係;但是這種圖謀不可能得逞。Russia"s ambassador to Turkey assassinated in AnkaraA police officer assassinated Russia"s ambassador to Turkey at an art exhibition in Ankara on Monday, officials said. The gunman shouted "Do not forget Aleppo!" as he opened fire. The shooting of Ambassador Andrey Karlov was captured on video. Russia"s foreign ministry described it as a "terror attack."Russia has been instrumental in helping Syrian President Bashar al-Assad"s regime in its push to retake the eastern sector of Aleppo, which had been held by rebels for nearly four years.Here"s what we know right now: • Russian President Vladimir Putin called the assassination a "provocation," vowing to step up security at diplomatic missions. "This murder is clearly a provocation aimed at undermining the normalization of Russia-Turkish relations as well as at undermining the peace process in Syria promoted by Russia, Turkey, Iran and other countries interested in promoting settling the crisis in Syria," Putin said in televised remarks. "The only response we should offer to this murder is stepping up our fight against terror, and the criminals will feel the heat." • Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the killing won"t dampen the two countries" efforts to build a stronger relationship. "We know that this is a provocation on destroying the relationship between Turkey and Russia during this normalization process. ... All the expectation of what they want to achieve with this attack will be in vain and never happen," Erdogan said in televised remarks Monday.• Police officer Mevlut Mert Altintas was the gunman, Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said in a press conference. The attacker was born in 1994 in the town of Soke in Turkey"s Aydin province, he said. CNN initially reported the officer was was off-duty at the time of the shooting, but Turkish government statements left his duty status Monday unclear. Revealed: The off-duty special forces officer, 22, who gunned down the Russian ambassador as Turkish police arrest his parents, sister and roommate 文章未完,點擊這裡閱讀全文!


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